Layer 7 Models

How DHCP clients work

DHCP client sends a DHCP-DISCOVER packet (flowchart here):

When a DHCP client device receives a packet:


When a DHCP client device does not receive a packet:



How DHCP servers process incoming packets

When a DHCP server device receives a packet (flowchart here):



How DHCP for IPv6 clients process incoming packets

When a DHCP for IPv6 client device receives a packet (flowchart here):


How DHCP for IPv6 servers process incoming packets

When a DHCP for IPv6 server device receives a packet (flowchart here):


How FTP client processes work

When a FTP client receives a packet (flowchart here):


How FTP server processes work

When a FTP server receives a packet (flowchart here):


How TELNET client processes work


When a TELNET client receives a packet (flowchart here):



How TELNET server processes work

When a TELNET server receives a packet (flowchart here):



How SSH client processes work

When a SSH client receives a packet:


How SSH server processes work

When a SSH server receives a packet:


How HTTP works (HTTPS works the same as HTTP)

When a client needs to find a webpage from a server:


When an HTTP client receives a packet (flowchart here):


When HTTP server receives a request (flowchart here):



How SMTP works

When a client needs to send a mail:


When an SMTP client receives a packet (flowchart here):


When SMTP server receives a request (flowchart here):



How POP3 works

When a client needs to receive a mail:


When an POP3 client receives a packet (flowchart here):


When POP3 server receives a request (flowchart here):



How TFTP servers process incoming packets

When a TFTP server receives a packet (flowchart here):



How TFTP servers and clients process incoming packets during a session

When a TFTP server or client receives a packet during a session (flowchart here):



How an SNMP Manager processes a command from the User

When an SNMP Manager processes a command (flowchart here):



How an SNMP Manager processes incoming packets

When an SNMP Manager receives an incoming packet (flowchart here):



How an SNMP Agent processes incoming requests

When an SNMP Agent receives an incoming packet (flowchart here):



How a Syslog Client works

When a client needs to send a log message to the syslog server (flowchart here):



How a Syslog Server works

When Syslog server receives a packet (flowchart here):



How NTP works

When a client needs to update its time from a server:


When an NTP server receives a request (flowchart here):


When an NTP client receives a packet (flowchart here):



How a DNS Client resolves a name to an IP Address

When a domain name resolution process starts, a DNSClient gets the DNS Resolver. The DNS Resolver:


The response will be received in the DNS Resolver.



How a DNS Resolver handles receiving messages

When a DNS Resolver receives a message (flowchart here):



How a DNS server works

When a DNS server receives a message (flowchart here):



How the step - SearchDNSRecursively works

(flowchart here):



How the step - NSSearchRecursively works

(flowchart here):



How the step - CNAMESearchRecursively works

(flowchart here):



How Radius Clients process incoming packets

When a Radius client receives a packet (flowchart here):



How Radius servers process incoming packets

When a Radius Server receives a packet (flowchart here):



How Tacacs Clients process incoming packets

When a Tacacs Client receives a packet (flowchart here):



How Tacacs servers process incoming packets

When a Tacacs Server receives a packet (flowchart here):



How VoIP registration works

When IP phone connected to a configured CME is powered on (flowchart here):



How local call works in VoIP

When IP phone lifts handset and start dialing number, :



How remote call works in VoIP

When IP phone lifts handset and start dialing number, (flowchart here):