Keyboard Shortcuts

Many actions in Packet Tracer are keyboard-accessible for your convenience. In addition to key combinations, the following keys deserve extra attention:


Shortcut Action
Ctrl + N Start a New network.
Ctrl + O Open an existing network.
Ctrl + Shift + T Open Samples.
Ctrl + S Save the current network.
Ctrl + Shift + S Save the current network to a different name and/or directory (Save As).
Ctrl + Alt + Z Save As Pkz.
Ctrl + P Print the current network.
Alt + F4 Exit Packet Tracer.
Ctrl + C Copy the selected items.
Ctrl + V Paste the selected items.
Ctrl + Z Undo the previous action.
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo the previous action.
Ctrl + R View Preferences.
Ctrl + Shift + U Open the User Profile dialog.
Ctrl + Shift + M Open the Algorithm Settings dialog.
Ctrl + I Zoom In to the workspace.
Ctrl + T Reset the zoom of the workspace.
Ctrl + U Zoom Out of the workspace.
Ctrl + Shift + A Open/Close Main Toolbar.
Ctrl + Shift + R Open/Close Secondary Toolbar.
Ctrl + Shift + B Open/Close Bottom Toolbar
Ctrl + D Open the drawing Palette.
Ctrl + W Run the Activity Wizard.
Ctrl + Alt + L For Multiuser Extensions, do Listen.
Ctrl + Alt + P For Multiuser Extensions, do Port Visibility.
Ctrl + Alt + Y For Multiuser Extensions, do Options.
Ctrl + Alt + G For Multiuser Extensions, do Save Offline Copy As.
Ctrl + Shift + C For IPC, do Config Apps.
Ctrl + Shift + Q For IPC, do Show Active Apps.
Ctrl + Shift + J For IPC, do Options.
Ctrl + Shift + K For IPC, do Log.
Ctrl + Shift + L Open the Cluster Association Dialog.
Shift + L Switch to Logical Workspace.
Shift + P Switch to Physical Workspace.
Shift + R Switch to Realtime Mode.
Shift + S Switch to Simulation Mode.
Shift + E Open the Environment Window.
Shift + U For Logical Workspace, click New Cluster button.
Shift + M For Logical Workspace, click Move Object button.
Shift + I For Logical Workspace, click Set Tiled Background button.
Shift + V For Logical Workspace, click Viewport button.
Shift + N For Physical Workspace, open Navigation Panel.
Alt + left For Physical Workspace, go Back one Level.
Shift + C For Physical Workspace, create New City.
Shift + B For Physical Workspace, create New Building.
Shift + F For Physical Workspace, create New Generic Container.
Shift + W For Physical Workspace, create New Closet.
Shift + G For Physical Workspace, show Grid.
Shift + H For Physical Workspace, open Working Closet.
Alt+S Click the Power Cycle Devices button.
Alt+D Click the Fast Forward Time button.
Alt + B In Simulation mode, click Back button.
Alt + P In Simulation mode, click AutoCapture/Play button.
Alt + C In Simulation mode, click Capture/Forward button.
Alt + I In Simulation mode, click Show Event List button.
Ctrl + Alt + R Show Router devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + S Show Switch devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + U Show Hub devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + W Show Wireless devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + C Show Security devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + N Show WAN Emulation devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + V Show End Devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + H Show Home devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + T Show Smart City devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + I Show Industrial devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + D Show Power Grid devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + B Show Board devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + A Show Actuator devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + X Show Sensor devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + O Show Connection types in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + K Show Structured Cabling in the Device Specific Box(Only in Physical mode).
Ctrl + Alt + E Show Miscellaneous devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + M Show Multiuser Connection in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Space View rubber band rectangle to select.
Space Select device.
Enter Show Device Dialog for selected device.
Ctrl + Up Arrow Move selected devices upwards.
Ctrl + Down Arrow Move selected devices downwards.
Ctrl + Right Arrow Move selected devices to the right.
Ctrl + Left Arrow Move selected devices to the left.
Ctrl + Shift + I Open Scenario Description.
Ctrl + Shift + N New Scenario.
Ctrl + Shift + D Delete Scenario.
Ctrl + Shift + O Toggle PDU List Window.
Ctrl + = Toggle Scenario PDU List.
Ctrl + Insert Copy text in CLI console/Cmd Prompt.
Shift + Insert Paste text in CLI console/Cmd Prompt.
Esc Choose the Select tool.
N Choose the Place Note tool.
Delete Choose the Delete tool. If you have selected multiple objects, pressing Delete will delete them.
I Choose the Inspect tool.
Alt+R Choose the Resize tool.
P Click the Add Simple PDU button.
C Click the Add Complex PDU button.
N Choose No in confirmation dialogues.
Y Choose Yes in confirmation dialogues.
L Choose Draw Line
R Choose Draw Rectangle
E Choose Draw Eclipse
F Choose Draw FreeForm
Ctrl + N New Text Editor File (Valid in PC Desktop and Server Desktop)
Ctrl + O Open an existing Text Editor File (Valid in PC Desktop and Server Desktop)
Ctrl + S Save the current Text Editor File (Valid in PC Desktop and Server Desktop)
Alt + F4 Exit Text Editor (Valid in PC Desktop and Server Desktop)
Alt + S Send Email from email client in PC
Alt + F File Menu
Alt + E Edit Menu
Alt + O Options Menu
Alt + V View Menu
Alt + T Tools Menu
Alt + X Extensions Menu
Alt + H Help Menu
Shift + Arrow Keys Move selection rectangle to next device in that direction.
Ctrl +Shift + V View Command Log
Shift + W Show Workspace List