Assessment Items
What are Assessment Items?
The assessment items are found in the Assessment Items tab of the Answer Network section in the Activity Wizard.
Most configurations in the answer network have corresponding assessment items. To assess certain items, place a check mark next to the item. The default behavior is to compare the student network configuration to what is defined in the answer network configuration. For more advanced activities, the assessment items can be replaced with a variable. In this case, the student network configuration is compared with the value defined in the variable.
How to Add Variables to the Items
Variables can only replace existing configured values. All leaf items can be replaced with a variable. A solid green dot indicates that a node has been replaced by a variable.
There are two options for replacing a configured value with a variable:
Option 1: Use the Variable Manager interface, click on <--
Option 2: Single click on the assessment item. A text field will pop up; replace the text with a variable.
Assessment Items and Values:
Assessment item values are loosely-typed; in fact, they are all of type String. However, some values follow this generic template:
Boolean: Less than or equal to 0 is false. Greater than or equal to 1 is true.
Numbers: A decimal (base 10) number.
IP Addresses: Must follow this format:; all digits between 0 and 255.
MAC Addresses: Must follow this format: ABCD.ABCD.ABCD; all digits must be hexadecimal.
Strings: Any regular string. A few string types require adherence to a specific format. This format is specified in the assessment item tree of the Activity Wizard.
Definition of Assessment Items and Values
These are the available nodes in Packet Tracer. The nodes follow a tree structure, where the leaf nodes are the nodes that can be graded. "<User Defined>" nodes take the name of a user configured value. For example, if a user configures a VLAN Name: "Engineering", the value "Engineering" will show in the runtime Assessment Tree but in this table, it will show as "<User Defined>."
802.1x |
AaaProcess |
AclProcess |
AclV6Process |
AcsServerProcess |
BgpProcess |
BbaGroup |
Category |
Cbac |
CbacProcess |
CbacProtocol |
CdpProcess |
ClassMapManager |
ClientGroup |
CMEProcess |
CryptoMapSeq |
CryptoMapSet |
CustomQueueInfo |
CustomQueueManager |
DialPeer |
DhcpPool |
DhcpServerProcess |
DhcpSnoopingBindingDBAgent |
DhcpSnoopingProcess |
DhcpV6ClientProcess |
DhcpV6LocalPrefixPool |
DhcpV6Pool |
DhcpV6ServerMainProcess |
DhcpV6ServerProcess |
DnsClient |
DnsServerProcess |
DynamicCryptoMap |
EasyVpnServer |
EigrpMainProcess |
EigrpProcess |
EigrpV6MainProcess |
EigrpV6Process |
EmailClient |
EmailServer |
EmailUser |
Ephone |
EphoneDirectory |
FileManager |
FtpServerProcess |
GreProcess |
HttpServer |
HttpsServer |
IcmpSignature |
IkePolicy |
IpsecPeer |
IpsecProcess |
IpsProcess |
MerakiMX65WServer |
NatProcess |
NatV6Process |
NdProcess |
NtpProcess |
OspfMainProcess |
OspfProcess |
OspfV3MainProcess |
OspfV3Process |
ParserView |
ParserViewManager |
PolicyMapManager |
PolicyMapQosClass |
PolicyMapZfwClass |
PortKeepAliveProcess |
PortSecurity |
PriorityQueueManager |
PrivilegeManager |
QueueProtocol |
RadiusClientProcess |
RadiusServerProcess |
RipProcess |
RipV6MainProcess |
RipV6Process |
RoutingProcess |
RoutingProcessV6 |
Settings |
Security |
Signature |
SnmpAgent |
Signature |
SshServerProcess |
StpMainProcess |
SyslogClient |
SyslogServer |
TacacsClientProcess |
TcpProcess |
TelephonyService |
TerminalLine |
TftpServer |
TransformSet |
TunnelInterface |
VpnIpPool |
VtpProcess |
WirelessClientProcess |
WirelessCommon |
WirelessServerManager |
WirelessServerPortData |
WirelessServerProcess |
ZfwProcess |
ZonePair |
CloudPotsPort |
CloudSerialPort |
Console |
EtherChannel |
EtherChannelManager |
FRSubInterface |
HomeVoip |
HostPort |
MURemoteNetwork |
Network |
Port |
RoutedSwitchPort |
RouterPort |
SwitchPort |
VirtualTemplateInterface |
AccessPoint |
AnalogPhone |
Asa |
Bridge |
CableModem |
Cell Tower |
Central Office |
CiscoAccessPoint |
CiscoDevice |
Cloud |
Device |
DslModem |
EmbeddedCiscoAccessPoint |
Hub |
IPPhone |
Laptop |
MerakiSecurityAppliance |
MerakiServer |
MultiLayerSwitch |
Pc |
Printer |
Router, 819HGW |
Server |
Smart Device |
Sniffer |
Switch |
TabletPC |
TerminalLineDevice |
TV |
WiredEndDevice |
WirelessRouter |
HomeRouter |
802.1x - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Dot1x System-Auth-Control | Leaf | Boolean |
Authentication Port-Control Auto | Leaf | Boolean |
Dot1x Pae Authenticator | Leaf | Boolean |
dot1x Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
dot1x Username | Leaf | String |
dot1x Password | Leaf | String |
AaaProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
AAA | Head | |
New-model | Leaf | Number |
Authentication | Head | |
Authen Command <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Authorization | Head | |
Authorize Command <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Accounting | Head | |
Accounting Command <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Authentication SSH (ASA) | Leaf | Boolean |
Authentication Telnet (ASA) | Leaf | Boolean |
AcsServerProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
ACS | Head | |
ACS Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
Network Configuration | Head | |
Client <User Defined> | Head | |
Client IP | Leaf | IP Address |
Client | Leaf | String |
Secret String | Leaf | String |
Server Type | Leaf | Number |
User Setup | Head | |
User <User Defined> | Head | |
User Description | Leaf | String |
User Name | Leaf | String |
User Password | Leaf | String |
RadiusClientProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
RADIUS Client | Head | |
RADIUS Server Hosts | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | Number |
RADIUS server key | Leaf | String |
RadiusServerProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
RADIUS Server | Head | |
Port | Leaf | Number |
TacacsClientProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
TACACS Client | Head | |
TACACS Server Hosts | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
TACACS server key | Leaf | String |
AclProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
ACL | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
AclV6Process - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
ACLV6 | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
CbacProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Firewall | Head | |
IP Inspect Names | Head | |
<Cbac> | Head | |
Global Alert | Leaf | Number |
Global Audit Trail | Leaf | Number |
DNS Timeout | Leaf | Number |
FIN-WAIT Time | Leaf | Number |
SYN-WAIT Time | Leaf | Number |
UDP Idle Time | Leaf | Number |
TCP Idle Time | Leaf | Number |
MAX Incomplete High | Leaf | Number |
MAX Incomplete Low | Leaf | Number |
One Minute High | Leaf | Number |
One Minute Low | Leaf | Number |
CbacProtocol - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Protocol <User Defined> | Head | |
Protocol name | Leaf | String |
Alert | Leaf | Number |
Audit trail | Leaf | Number |
Timeout | Leaf | Number |
CdpProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
CDP | Head | |
CDP Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
DhcpPool - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Pool <User Defined> | Head | |
IPs | Leaf | String |
Name | Leaf | String |
DNS Server | Leaf | String |
Default Gateway | Leaf | String |
Start IP address | Leaf | String |
Subnet mask | Leaf | String |
Max Users | Leaf | Number |
TFTP Server | Leaf | IP Address |
DhcpServerProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
DHCP | Head | |
DHCP Enable | Leaf | Boolean |
Pools | Head | |
<DhcpPool> | Head | |
Excluded Addresses | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
DhcpSnoopingBindingDBAgent - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
DHCP Snooping Binding DB Agent | Head | |
Flash | Leaf | String |
Write Delay | Leaf | Number |
DhcpSnoopingProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
DHCP Snooping | Head | |
Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
Mac Address Verified | Leaf | Boolean |
Option 82 Inserted | Leaf | Boolean |
Option 82 Trusted | Leaf | Boolean |
VLANs | Head | |
VLAN <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
DhcpV6ClientProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
DHCPV6 Client | Head | |
DHCPV6 Client PD Name | Leaf | String |
DhcpV6LocalPrefixPool - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Local Pool Name <User Defined> | Head | |
<User Defined> | Head | |
Local Pool Name | Leaf | String |
Prefix | Leaf | String |
Prefix Length | Leaf | Number |
Sub Prefix Length | Leaf | Number |
DhcpV6Pool - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Pool Name <User Defined> | Head | |
<User Defined> | Head | |
Pool Name | Leaf | String |
DNS | Leaf | String |
Domain Name | Leaf | String |
Prefix Delegations | Head | |
Prefix Delegations <User Defined> | Head | |
Prefix Delegations | Leaf | String |
DUID | Leaf | MAC Address |
Static Preferred Lifetime | Leaf | Number |
Static Valid Lifetime | Leaf | Number |
Prefix Delegation Pool | Head | |
Name <User Defined> | Head | |
Name | Leaf | String |
Dynamic Preferred Lifetime | Leaf | Number |
Dynamic Valid Lifetime | Leaf | Number |
DhcpV6ServerProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
DHCPv6 Server | Head | |
DHCPv6 Server Pool Name | Leaf | String |
DnsClient - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
DNS | Head | |
IP Domain Lookup | Leaf | Boolean |
IP Domain Name | Leaf | String |
IP Name Server | Leaf | IP Address |
IPv6 Name Server | Leaf | IP Address |
IP Host Header | Head | |
Host <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
IPv6 Host Header | Head | |
Host <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
DnsServerProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
DNS Server | Head | |
DNS Enable | Leaf | Boolean |
Resource Records | Head | |
Record <User Defined> | Head | |
A Records | Head | |
Address | Leaf | IP Address |
NS Records | Head | |
Server name | Leaf | String |
SOA Records | Head | |
SOA Record <User Defined> | Head | |
Primary Server Name | Leaf | String |
Mailbox | Leaf | String |
Min TTL | Leaf | Number |
Refresh Time | Leaf | Number |
Retry Time | Leaf | Number |
Expire Time | Leaf | Number |
CNAME Records | Head | |
Hostname | Leaf | String |
ClientGroup - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Group <User Defined> | Head | |
Name | Leaf | String |
Key | Leaf | String |
Pool name | Leaf | String |
Netmask | Leaf | String |
DynamicCryptoMap - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Map <User Defined> | Head | |
Name | Leaf | String |
Sequence number | Leaf | String |
Crypto IpSec Transform Sets | Head | |
<TransformSet> | Head | |
Reverse-route | Leaf | Number |
EasyVpnServer - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Easy VPN Server | Head | |
IP Local Pools | Head | |
<VpnIpPool> | Head | |
Client Configuration Groups | Head | |
<ClientGroup> | Head | |
VpnIpPool - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Pool <User Defined> | Head | |
Name | Leaf | String |
Start IP | Leaf | String |
End IP | Leaf | String |
FileManager - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Files | Head | |
<User Defined Directory> | Head | |
<User Defined File> | Leaf | String |
FtpServerProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
FTP Server | Head | |
FTP Enable | Leaf | Boolean |
User Accounts | Head | |
Account <User Defined> | Head | |
User Name | Leaf | String |
User Password | Leaf | String |
User Permission | Leaf | String |
Server Files | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
GreProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
GRE | Head | |
Interface Tunnels | Head | |
<TunnelInterface> | Head | |
TunnelInterface - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Tunnel <User Defined> | Head | |
Port number | Leaf | String |
Source | Leaf | String |
Destination | Leaf | String |
HttpServer - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
HTTP Server | Head | |
HTTP Enable | Leaf | Boolean |
Server Files | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
HttpsServer - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
HTTPS Server | Head | |
HTTPS Enable | Leaf | Boolean |
Category - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Category <User Defined> | Head | |
NAME | Leaf | String |
Retired | Leaf | Number |
Signature - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Signature | Head | |
Enabled | Leaf | Number |
Retired | Leaf | Number |
IcmpSignature - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Signature> | Head | |
Icmp Signature ID | Leaf | Number |
Icmp Sub ID | Leaf | Number |
IpsProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
IPS | Head | |
Config Location Retries | Leaf | Number |
Config Location | Leaf | String |
Ips List | Head | |
IPS Name <User Defined> | Head | |
IPS Name | Leaf | String |
Ips List | Leaf | String |
Signature Categories | Head | |
<Category> | Head | |
<IcmpSignature> | Head | |
Notify Log | Leaf | Number |
Signature - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Signature | Head | |
Enabled | Leaf | Number |
Retired | Leaf | Number |
EmailClient - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Email Client | Head | |
<EmailUser> | Head | |
EmailServer - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Email Server | Head | |
SMTP Service Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
POP3 Service Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
Domain Name | Leaf | String |
Users | Head | |
User <User Defined> | Head | |
User Name | Leaf | String |
User Password | Leaf | String |
EmailUser - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Email User | Head | |
Name | Leaf | String |
Email | Leaf | String |
Incoming Mail Server | Leaf | String |
Outgoing Mail Server | Leaf | String |
User Name | Leaf | String |
User Password | Leaf | String |
EmailUser - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Email User | Head | |
Name | Leaf | String |
Email | Leaf | String |
Incoming Mail Server | Leaf | String |
Outgoing Mail Server | Leaf | String |
User Name | Leaf | String |
User Password | Leaf | String |
NatV6Process - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
NATV6 | Head | |
Pools | Head | |
<User Defined V6V4> | Leaf | String |
<User Defined V4V6> | Leaf | String |
Prefix | Head | |
Prefix IP | Leaf | IP Address |
Prefix Mask | Leaf | IP Address |
Inside Source List | Head | |
<User Defined V4V6> | Leaf | String |
<User Defined V6V4> | Leaf | String |
Inside Source Static | Head | |
Name | Leaf | String |
NdProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
NDV6 | Head | |
General Prefixes | Head | |
General Prefix <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Neighbors | Head | |
Neighbor <User Defined> | Head | |
IPv6 Address | Leaf | IP Address |
Mac Address | Leaf | MAC Address |
NtpProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
NTP | Head | |
Authentication Keys | Head | |
Key <User Defined> | Head | |
Name | Leaf | String |
Password | Leaf | String |
Master | Leaf | Boolean |
NTP Authenticate | Leaf | Boolean |
NTP Server Information | Head | |
Address | Leaf | IP Address |
Key | Leaf | String |
Trusted Keys | Head | |
Key | Leaf | Number |
Update Calendar | Leaf | Number |
ClassMapManager - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Class Maps | Head | |
Class Map List | Head | |
<User Defined> | Head | |
Map Type | Leaf | Number |
Statements | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
CustomQueueInfo - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Custom Queue Info <User Defined> | Head | |
Protocol List | Head | |
<QueueProtocol> | Head | |
Queues Infos | Head | |
Queue Info | Leaf | String |
Default Queue | Leaf | String |
CustomQueueManager - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Custom Queues | Head | |
Custom Queue Info List | Head | |
<CustomQueueInfo> | Head | |
PolicyMapManager - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Policy Maps | Head | |
Policy Map List | Head | |
Policy Map <User Defined> | Head | |
Policy Map Name | Leaf | String |
Policy Map Type | Leaf | Number |
<PolicyMapQosClass | PolicyMapZfwClass> | Head | |
PolicyMapQosClass - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
QoS Class <User Defined> | Head | |
Map Name | Leaf | String |
Bandwidth | Leaf | Number |
Queue Limit | Leaf | Number |
Priority | Leaf | Number |
Service Policy | Leaf | String |
PriorityQueueManager - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Priority Queue | Head | |
Priority List | Head | |
<User Defined> | Head | |
Protocol | Leaf | String |
Queue Limit | Head | |
High | Leaf | String |
Medium | Leaf | String |
Normal | Leaf | String |
Low | Leaf | String |
Default | Leaf | String |
QueueProtocol - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Queue Protocol | Head | |
IP | Leaf | Number |
IPv6 | Leaf | Number |
Keyword | Leaf | Number |
Key Value | Leaf | Number |
Queue Index | Leaf | Number |
BgpProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
BGP | Head | |
Autonomous System | Leaf | Number |
Router ID | Leaf | IP Address |
Log Neighbor Changes | Leaf | Boolean |
Redistribute-internal | Leaf | Boolean |
Networks | Head | |
Route <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Neighbors | Leaf | Boolean |
<User Defined> | Leaf | IP Address |
Autonomous System | Leaf | Number |
Next-Hop-Self | Leaf | Boolean |
Timers | Head | |
Keepalive | Leaf | Number |
Holdtime | Leaf | Number |
Synchronization | Leaf | Boolean |
Redistribution | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
BbaGroup - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Bba Groups | Head | |
Bba Group <User Defined> | Head | |
Group Name | Leaf | String |
Interfaces | Leaf | Number |
Pppoe Enable | Leaf | Boolean |
EigrpMainProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
EIGRP | Head | |
<EigrpProcess> | Head | |
EigrpProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Autonomous System <User Defined> | Head | |
Auto Summary | Leaf | Number |
Networks | Head | |
Route <User Defined> | Leaf | IP Address |
Passive Interface | Head | |
Default | Leaf | Number |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Metrics | Leaf | String |
Variance | Leaf | Number |
Redistribution | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
OspfMainProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
OSPF | Head | |
<OspfProcess> | Head | |
OspfProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Process ID <User Defined> | Head | |
Area Authentication | Head | |
Area <User Defined> | Leaf | Number |
Area | Head | |
Area <User Defined> | Leaf | Number |
Area Status | Leaf | String |
Default Cost | Leaf | Number |
Virtual Link | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Default Information | Leaf | Number |
Log Adjacency Changes |
Leaf | String |
Passive Interface | Head | |
Default | Leaf | Number |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Networks | Head | |
Route <User Defined> | Head | |
Redistribution | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Router ID | Leaf | String |
RipProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
RIP | Head | |
Version | Leaf | Number |
Auto Summary | Leaf | Number |
Default Information Originate | Leaf | Boolean |
Redistribution | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Timers | Leaf | String |
Networks | Head | |
Route <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Passive Interface | Head | |
Default | Leaf | Number |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
RoutingProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Routes | Head | |
(deprecated) Static Routes | Head | |
Route <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Static Routes | Head | |
Route <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Default Networks | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | IP Address |
IP Routing | Leaf | Boolean |
Forward Protocols | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
EigrpV6MainProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
EIGRPV6 | Head | |
<EigrpV6Process> | Head | |
EigrpV6Process - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
EIGRPv6 <User Defined> | Head | |
Metrics | Leaf | String |
Shutdown | Leaf | Number |
Router ID | Leaf | IP Address |
Redistribution | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
OspfV3MainProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
OSPFV6 | Head | |
<OspfV3Process> | Head | |
OspfV3Process - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
OSPFv6 <User Defined> | Head | |
Area | Head | |
Area <User Defined> | Head | |
Area Status | Leaf | String |
Default Cost | Leaf | Number |
Virtual Link | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Log Adjacency Changes | Leaf | Number |
Passive Interface | Head | |
Default | Leaf | Number |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Shutdown | Leaf | Number |
Redistribution | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
RipV6MainProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
RIPV6 | Head | |
<RipV6Process> | Head | |
RipV6Process - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
RIPv6 <User Defined> | Head | |
Distance | Leaf | Number |
Redistribution | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
ShutDown | Leaf | Number |
RoutingProcessV6 - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Routesv6 | Head | |
IPv6 Unicast Routing | Leaf | Number |
(deprecated) Static Routes | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Static Routes | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Default Networks | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | IP Address |
Security - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Security | Head | |
Crypto Key Set | Leaf | String |
Boot Config | Leaf | String |
Boot Image | Leaf | String |
Modulus Bits | Leaf | Number |
SnmpAgent - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
SNMP | Head | |
SNMP Communities | Head | |
Community <User Defined> | Leaf | Number |
SshServerProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
SSH Server | Head | |
SSH Version | Leaf | Number |
SSH Authentication-retries | Leaf | Number |
SSH Timeout | Leaf | Number |
StpMainProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
STP | Head | |
VLANs | Head | |
<User Defined> | Head | |
VLAN Number | Leaf | Number |
Priority | Leaf | Number |
RSTP | Leaf | Number |
PortFast Default | Leaf | Number |
PortSecurity - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Port Security | Head | |
Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
Static MACs | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | MAC Address |
Port Security Violation | Leaf | Number |
Max Static MACs | Leaf | Number |
Sticky Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
Sticky MACs | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | MAC Address |
SyslogClient - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
SYSLOG Client | Head | |
Server Addresses | Head | |
Address | Leaf | String |
SyslogServer - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
SYSLOG Server | Head | |
Service | Leaf | Boolean |
TcpProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
TCP | Head | |
Service Nagle | Leaf | Boolean |
TCP MSS | Leaf | Number |
TftpServer - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
TFTP | Head | |
TFTP Enable | Leaf | Boolean |
ServerFiles | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
DialPeer - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Dial Peer <User Defined> | Head | |
Tag Number | Leaf | Number |
Destination Pattern | Leaf | Number |
Session Target | Leaf | IP Address |
Ephone - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
EPhone <User Defined> | Head | |
Number | Leaf | Number |
MAC Address | Leaf | MAC Address |
Buttons | Head | |
Button <User Defined> | Head | |
Button | Leaf | Number |
<EphoneDirectory> | Head | |
EphoneDirectory - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
EPhone Directory <User Defined> | Head | |
Directory Number | Leaf | Number |
Directory Line Number | Leaf | String |
TelephonyService - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Telephony Service | Head | |
Auto Assign Commands | Head | |
Auto Assign <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Max Directory Number | Leaf | Number |
Max EPhone Number | Leaf | Number |
Source IP | Leaf | IP Address |
Source Port | Leaf | Number |
CryptoMapSeq - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Sequence | Head | |
Number | Leaf | String |
Peers | Head | |
<IpsecPeer> | Head | |
Match address | Leaf | String |
CryptoMapSet - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Set | Head | |
Name | Leaf | String |
Respond | Leaf | String |
Sequence List | Head | |
<CryptoMapSeq> | Head | |
Ports | Head | |
Port | Leaf | Number |
IkePolicy - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Policy <User Defined> | Head | |
Number <User Defined> | Leaf | Number |
Authentication type | Leaf | String |
Hash algorithm | Leaf | String |
Encryption | Leaf | String |
Group | Leaf | Number |
Lifetime | Leaf | Number |
IpsecPeer - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Peer | Head | |
Address | Leaf | String |
IpsecProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
IKE | Head | |
Crypto ISAKMP Policy | Head | |
<IkePolicy> | Head | |
Crypto ISAKMP Key Address Pairs | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Crypto IpSec Transform Sets | Head | |
<TransformSet> | Head | |
Crypto Map Sets | Head | |
<CryptoMapSet> | Head | |
Crypto Dynamic Maps | Head | |
<DynamicCryptoMap> | Head | |
ISAKMP Enable | Leaf | Number |
Security Association | Leaf | Number |
TransformSet - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Set | Head | |
Name | Leaf | String |
AH Transform | Leaf | Number |
ESP Authentication Transform | Leaf | Number |
ESP Encryption Transform | Leaf | Number |
ISATAP - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
ISATAP Client | Head | |
ISATAP Client Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
ISATAP Router | Leaf | String |
VtpProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
VTP | Head | |
Domain Name | Leaf | String |
VTP Mode | Leaf | Number |
VTP Password | Leaf | String |
VTP Version | Leaf | Number |
WirelessClientProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<WirelessCommon> | Head | |
Security Mode | Head | |
User Id | Leaf | String |
Password | Leaf | String |
WirelessCommon - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Wireless | Head | |
SSID | Leaf | String |
Security Mode | Head | |
Authen Type | Leaf | Number |
WEP Key | Leaf | String |
PassPhrase | Leaf | String |
Encryption Type | Leaf | Number |
WirelessServerManager - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Dot11 Configuration | Head | |
SSID Configurations | Head | |
SSID <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
SSID name | Leaf | String |
Authentication | Leaf | String |
WPA key management | Leaf | Number |
EAP method | Leaf | String |
EAP list name | Leaf | String |
Wpa-psk | Head | |
Key entered as | Leaf | String |
Unencrypted | Leaf | Number |
Key | Leaf | Number |
Dot11Radio Configurations | Head | |
<WirelessServerPortData> | Head | |
WirelessServerPortData - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Dot11Radio | Head | |
Bridge Group | Leaf | Number |
Station Role | Leaf | Boolean |
Speed | Leaf | String |
Encryption | Head | |
Key | Leaf | String |
Size | Leaf | String |
Type | Leaf | String |
Hex String | Leaf | String |
Mode WEP | Leaf | String |
Mode Cipher | Leaf | String |
SSID | Leaf | String |
WirelessServerProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<WirelessCommon> | Head | |
Security Mode | Head | |
RADIUS Server IP | Leaf | String |
RADIUS Shared Secret | Leaf | String |
SSID BroadCast | Leaf | Number |
Mac Filter Mode | Head | |
Mode | Leaf | Boolean |
Access Restriction | Leaf | Number |
Mac Address List | Head | |
Mac Address | Leaf | MAC Address |
PolicyMapZfwClass - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Inspect Class <User Defined> | Head | |
Class Map | Leaf | String |
Action | Leaf | Number |
ZfwProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Zone Based Firewall | Head | |
Zone Names | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Zone Pairs | Head | |
<ZonePair> | Head | |
ZonePair - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Zone Pair <User Defined> | Head | |
Name | Leaf | String |
Source Zone | Leaf | String |
Destination Zone | Leaf | String |
Service Policy | Leaf | String |
Settings - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Algorithm Settings | Head | |
CBAC | Head | |
Half-Open Session Multiplier | Leaf | Number |
TCP | Head | |
Maximum Number of Connections | Leaf | Number |
Maximum Number of Open Sessions | Leaf | Number |
Switching | Head | |
Storm Control Multipler | Leaf | Number |
PrivilegeManager - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Command Privilege | Head | |
Commands | Head | |
Command | Leaf | String |
ParserView - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
View | Head | |
View name | Leaf | String |
Secret | Leaf | String |
Commands | Head | |
Command | Leaf | String |
ParserViewManager - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Parser View | Head | |
Views | Head | |
<ParserView> | Head | |
TerminalLine - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
RS232 | Console Line |
VTY Line <User Defined> | | Head | |
Speed | Leaf | Number |
Data Bits | Leaf | Number |
Parity | Leaf | Number |
Stop Bits | Leaf | String |
Flow Control | Leaf | Number |
Transport Input | Leaf | Number |
Transport Output | Leaf | Number |
History Size | Leaf | Number |
MOTD Banner | Leaf | Number |
Login | Leaf | Number |
Password | Leaf | String |
AAA Method List Name | Leaf | String |
Session Limit | Leaf | Number |
Access Class In | Leaf | String |
Access Class Out | Leaf | String |
Exec-timeout | Leaf | Number |
Logging Synch | Leaf | Number |
Privilege Level | Leaf | Number |
IPv6 Access-class In | Leaf | String |
IPv6 Access-class Out | Leaf | String |
AnalogPhone - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Device> | Head | |
Bridge - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Device> | Head | |
CableModem - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Device> | Head | |
CiscoDevice - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<AaaProcess> | Head | |
Banner login | Leaf | String |
Banner motd | Leaf | String |
Boot System | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
<CdpProcess> | Head | |
Clock Timezone | Leaf | String |
Config-Register | Leaf | Number |
<Console> | Head | |
<DnsClient> | Head | |
Enable Password | Leaf | String |
Flash Files | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
FTP Passive | Leaf | Number |
FTP Password | Leaf | String |
FTP Username | Leaf | String |
Host Name | Leaf | String |
IP Domain Name | Leaf | String |
Login Options | Head | |
Login On Success | Leaf | Number |
Login On Failure | Leaf | Number |
Blocking | Head | |
Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
Duration | Leaf | Number |
Attempts | Leaf | Number |
Period | Leaf | Number |
<NtpProcess> | Head | |
<RadiusClientProcess> | Head | |
<Settings> | Head | |
<Security> | Head | |
Security Password Min-Length | Leaf | Number |
Service Password Encryption | Leaf | Number |
<SshServerProcess> | Head | |
Startup Config | Leaf | Number |
Static MAC | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
<SyslogClient> | Head | |
<TacacsClientProcess> | Head | |
<TerminalLine> | Head | |
User Names | Head | |
User Name | Leaf | String |
VTY Lines | Head | |
<TerminalLine> | Head | |
Cloud - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Device> | Head | |
Frame Relay Connections | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
DSL Connections | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Cable Connections | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Device - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<User Defined> | Head | |
Custom Model Name | Leaf | String |
Custom Variables | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Device Model | Leaf | String |
Device Type | Leaf | Number |
In Logical Shape | Leaf | String |
In Physical Shape | Leaf | String |
Ports | Head | |
<Port> | Head | |
Power | Leaf | Number |
Authorization | Leaf | String |
DslModem - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Device> | Head | |
HomeVoip - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Device> | Head | |
SCCP Server Address | Leaf | IP Address |
Hub - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Device> | Leaf | Number |
IPPhone - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Device> | Leaf | Number |
Laptop - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Pc> | Head | |
Pc - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<TerminalLineDevice> | Head | |
Accessories | Head | |
Camera Connected | Leaf | Boolean |
Headphone Connected | Leaf | Boolean |
Microphone Connected | Leaf | Boolean |
USB Hard Drive Connected | Leaf | Boolean |
Default Gateway | Leaf | IP Address |
Default Gateway IPv6 | Leaf | IP Address |
DNS Server | Leaf | IP Address |
DNS Server IPv6 | Leaf | IP Address |
<EmailClient> | Head | |
Files | Head | |
C Directory | Head | |
sampleFile.txt | Leaf | String |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Desktop | Head | |
sampleFile.txt | Leaf | String |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
<Settings> | Head | |
<TerminalLine> | Head | |
<WirelessClientProcess> | Head | |
Pda - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Pc> | Head | |
Sniffer - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Repeater> | Head | |
Printer - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Pc> | Head | |
ASA - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<CiscoDevice> | Head | |
Default Gateway | Leaf | IP Address |
Clientless Settings | Head | |
Bookmarks | Head | |
Bookmark | Leaf | |
Title | Leaf | |
Users | Head | |
User | Leaf | |
Bookmark | Leaf | |
Group Policy | Leaf | |
Profile Name | Leaf | |
Username | Leaf | |
DHCP Server (inside) | Head | |
Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
DHCPD Auto_config | Leaf | |
DHCP Server (outside) | Head | |
Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
DHCPD Auto_config | Leaf | |
VLANs | Head | |
VLAN <num> | Leaf | Number |
Ports | Head | |
Switch Port | Head | |
<StpMainProcess> | Head | |
VLANS | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
VLAN Name | Leaf | String |
<VtpProcess> | Head | |
TabletPC - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Pc> | Head | |
TerminalLineDevice - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Device> | Head | |
Enable Secret | Leaf | String |
Logging | Head | |
Service timestamp debug | Leaf | Number |
Service timestamp log | Leaf | Number |
Logging console | Leaf | Number |
Logging buffered | Leaf | Number |
Logging On | Leaf | Number |
Trap Debug | Leaf | Number |
TV - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Device> | Head | |
WiredEndDevice - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Pc> | Head | |
WirelessRouter - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Device> | Head | |
Default Gateway | Leaf | IP Address |
<DhcpServerProcess> | Head | |
DNS Server IP | Leaf | IP Address |
Internet Connection | Leaf | Number |
Password | Leaf | String |
Remote Management | Leaf | Boolean |
Single Port Forwarding | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
<WirelessServerProcess> | Head | |
Central Office - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Wireless Router> | Head | |
Domain Name | Leaf | String |
Console - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Port> | Head | |
CloudPotsPort - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Port> | Head | |
Phone Number | Leaf | String |
CloudSerialPort - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Port> | Head | |
Frame Relay | Head | |
LMI Type | Leaf | Number |
Sublinks | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
FRSubInterface - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<RouterPort> | Head | |
Type (Point-to-Point/ MultiPoint) | Leaf | Number |
DLCI | Head | |
DLCI <User Defined> | Leaf | Number |
HostPort - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Port> | Head | |
ARP Timeout | Leaf | Number |
Auto Config | Leaf | Number |
DHCP client enable | Leaf | Boolean |
Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
Pool Name | Leaf | String |
IP Address | Leaf | IP Address |
ip mtu | Leaf | Number |
Ipv6 Address | Head | |
IPv6 Enable | Leaf | Number |
<User Defined> | Head | |
IP Address | Leaf | IP Address |
Prefix | Leaf | String |
Type | Leaf | String |
ipv6 mtu | Leaf | Number |
Link Local | Leaf | IP Address |
mtu | Leaf | Number |
Subnet Mask | Leaf | IP Address |
Port - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<User Defined> | Head | |
Bandwidth Auto Negotiate | Leaf | Number |
Clock Rate | Leaf | Number |
Description | Leaf | String |
Duplex Auto Negotiate | Leaf | String |
MAC Address | Leaf | MAC Address |
Port Type | Leaf | Number |
<PortKeepAliveProcess> | Head | |
Power | Leaf | Number |
Tx Ring Limit | Leaf | Number |
(Wireless) Link to <User Defined> | Head | |
Connects to <User Defined> | Leaf | String |
DCE Port Name | Leaf | String |
Type | Leaf | Number |
PortKeepAliveProcess - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
Port Keepalive | Head | |
Keepalive interval | Leaf | Number |
EtherChannel - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<RoutedSwitchPort> | Head | |
Channel group | Head | |
Channel mode | Leaf | Number |
Channel protocol | Leaf | Number |
EtherChannelManager - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
EtherChannel | Head | |
Load Balance Method | Leaf | Number |
RouterPort - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<HostPort> | Head | |
802.1Q | Head | |
VLAN ID | Leaf | Number |
Native VLAN | Leaf | Number |
Access-group In | Leaf | String |
Access-group Out | Leaf | String |
CDP Enabled | Leaf | Number |
Crypto Map | Leaf | String |
Bandwidth Info | Leaf | Number |
Delay | Leaf | Number |
<Dhcpv6ServerProcess> | Head | |
Pool Name | Leaf | String |
EIGRP Hello Interval | Head | |
Autonomous System <User Defined> | Leaf | Number |
EIGRP Summary Addresses | Head | |
Autonomous System <User Defined> | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
EIGRPv6 | Head | |
EIGRPv6 <User Defined> Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
EIGRPV6 Hello Interval | Head | |
Autonomous System <User Defined> | Leaf | Number |
Eigrpv6 Summary Addresses | Head | |
Autonomous System <User Defined> | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Encapsulation | Leaf | String |
Frame Relay | Head | |
Encapsulation Type | Leaf | Number |
LMI Type | Leaf | Number |
IP Maps | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Helper Addresses | Head | |
Helper Address <User Defined> | Leaf | IP Address |
Hold Queue | Leaf | Number |
Ip Inspect In | Leaf | String |
Ip Inspect Out | Leaf | String |
Ips In | Leaf | String |
Ips Out | Leaf | String |
IPv6 NAT | Leaf | Number |
IPv6 NAT Prefix | Leaf | String |
IPv6 Traffic Filter In | Leaf | String |
IPv6 Traffic Filter Out | Leaf | String |
Keepalive | Leaf | Boolean |
NAT Mode | Leaf | Number |
OSPF Authentication | Leaf | Number |
OSPF Authentication Key | Leaf | String |
OSPF Cost | Leaf | Number |
OSPF Dead Interval | Leaf | Number |
OSPF Hello Interval | Leaf | Number |
OSPF Message Digest Key | Head | |
Key ID <User Defined> | Leaf | Number |
Ospf Network Type | Leaf | Number |
OSPF Priority | Leaf | Number |
OSPFv3 | Head | |
OSPFv3 Process ID | Leaf | Number |
OSPFv3 Area ID | Leaf | String |
OSPFv3 Instance ID | Leaf | Number |
OSPFv3 Priority | Leaf | Number |
OSPFv3 Dead Interval | Leaf | Number |
OSPFv3 Hello Interval | Leaf | Number |
OSPFv3 cost | Leaf | Number |
PPP | Head | |
Authentication | Leaf | Number |
PPPOE Enabled | Leaf | Number |
Priority Group | Custom Queue List | Fair Queue | Leaf | Number | Number | String |
RIP Split Horizon | Leaf | Boolean |
RIPv6 | Head | |
RIPv6 <User Defined> Enabled | Leaf | Boolean |
Route cef | Leaf | Boolean |
Service Policy Input | Leaf | String |
Service Policy Output | Leaf | String |
Virtual Reassembly | Leaf | Number |
Zone Member | Leaf | String |
SwitchPort - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Port> | Head | |
Access VLAN | Leaf | Number |
Bpduguard | Leaf | Number |
CDP Enabled | Leaf | Number |
Dynamic Mode | Leaf | Number |
Native VLAN | Leaf | Number |
Nonegotiate | Leaf | Boolean |
Port Mode | Leaf | Number |
PortFast | Leaf | Number |
<PortSecurity> | Head | |
Root guard | Leaf | Number |
Storm Control | Leaf | String |
Trunk VLANs | Head | |
<User Defined> | Leaf | String |
Voice Vlan | Leaf | Number |
MURemoteNetwork - up |
Name | Node Type | Variable Type |
<Device> | Leaf | Number |
Peer Address | Leaf | String |
Peer Network Name | Leaf | String |
Password | Leaf | String |
Connected | Leaf | Boolean |